Become a Member
"Join our society as we endeavor to show that history can be preserved where it occurred."
- Stephen Fleming
President GHS
History is alive in Goodsprings
Lead/Zinc Membership $100.00/yr
Gold Membership $50.00/yr
Individual Membership $5.00/yr
Family Membership $10.00/yr

Please seed your checks to:
GHS, Box 603
Goodsprings, NV 89019

The Initial Formation
A resident of Goodsprings and a Historian, Elizabeth Warren, PhD, called a native of Goodsprings, Stephen Nevada Fleming, DDS, and a residing teacher, Jenny Viscuglia about establishing a historical society in early spring of 2001. The trio expanded to others, who were interested in preserving history of the Goodsprings Township, which included former mine owner/operator Donn Blake, educators Mary Blake, Julie Newberry, Bobbie, Patricia and Virgil Poole.
At the Goodsprings Old Timers Reunion in May, charter memberships were presented for the Goodsprings Historical Society (GHS), which gave a response that was very encouraging.
A brochure, Focusing on Goodsprings Nevada, was created pinpointing important sites and events along with a Walking Tour map. The first official meeting took place on May 19, 2001 in conjunction with inauguration of the Walking Tour and dedication of the original "Good's Spring" monument and sign, honoring it as a campsite on the Old Spanish Trail. The Clark County Community Development Department donated a barbecue and music for all to enjoy the celebration.
Meet Our Members

Stephen Fleming
Mary Blake

Lary Anderson

Collen Hicks

Stephanie Stephens

Don Long

Bobbie Poole

David Beisecker

Jackie Theriot

GHS was granted non-profit status, making it a recognized 501(c)(3) organization, by the State of Nevada in September 2001. Officers were elected in accordance with newly approved By-laws. The Charter Officers were: President: Stephen Fleming; Vice President: Stephanie Stephens; Recording Secretary:Elizabeth Warren; Corresponding Secretary: Mary Blake; Treasurer: Jenny Viscuglia.
The charter President's first message in the first Newsletter of September 2001 is shown below.
President's Message
by Steve Fleming
I have always been proud of my Nevada heritage. The Goodsprings area, of course, has had the greatest impact on my life. I am excited about the formation of the Goodsprings Historical Society and our first newsletter. Since we have, unfortunately, become such a fast-paced, "throw-away" society many historical sites are lost every day. These sites, and the stories of the people associated with them, should not be lost!
Only through a group effort can we achieve our goal: "to preserve the historical and natural resources of the Goodsprings Township by educating the public about its environment, archaeology and history". Our ultimate objective is to have a small museum which will allow us to display historical relics and tell the stories of the people who used them. There is no time like the present to write down that story, box up some artifacts and make laser copies of old photos. The GHS pledges to acknowledge and preserve your contributions.
Thanks for becoming a member of the Goodsprings Historical Society. We can achieve our goals if we all work together.